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Indie Book Spotlight: Fate, in the Dungeon of Doom (2021)

Originally posted on Human Endeavor:
The philosophical concept of destiny and fate has existed since the Hellenistic period with groups such as Stoics and the Epicureans. The Stoics believed that human decisions and actions ultimately went according to a divine plan devised by a God. They claimed that although humans theoretically have free will, their…

Hey there folks! Just a quick heads up, Nigeria-born author and poet (and friend to us here at Night Terror Novels) Peter Okonkwo has recently released a new poetry collection, titled Fate, in the Dungeon of Doom (2021). This collection follows on from his powerful debut, Ecstasy of the Dead (2020, you can find our review for it here), and continues to explore similar themes and ideas of fate, destiny and the human condition, in Okonkwo’s contemplative and thoughtful style. This book is also of an extra, personal interest, as it was edited by none other than Yours Truly! I also preface the book with a little foreword, and have provided an official recommendation on the back cover of the paperback as Night Terror Novels too. I will be doing my own feature post on this just as soon as my copy of the book arrives, but in the meantime, you can find all the details down below over at Peter’s own site, Human Endeavor.

Human Endeavor

The philosophical concept of destiny and fate has existed since the Hellenistic period with groups such as Stoics and the Epicureans. The Stoics believed that human decisions and actions ultimately went according to a divine plan devised by a God. They claimed that although humans theoretically have free will, their souls and the circumstances under which they live are all part of the universal network of fate.

The Epicureans, on the other hand, challenged the Stoic beliefs by denying the existence of this divine fate. They believed that a humanโ€™s actions were voluntary so long as they were rational.

Fate, In the Dungeon of Doom, is a contemplative literary work on the kismet of the human person. It is a sort of an entreaty of a traumatized lad who has been thrust to throes in the underground prison of doom. It explains some sort of unknown facts about the orlayโ€ฆ

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By J.D. Keown | Night Terror Novels

JOSHUA KEOWN lives on the outskirts of the North York Moors with his feral little hound of hell, Lola. Despite his proximity to Whitby and a lifetime aversion to being out in the sun, he would like it to be known that he is definitely not a vampire. Joshua has always been an avid enthusiast of the horror genre in all its forms, and he now writes ghastly, ghoulish stories of his own. His debut short story โ€œKrodhaโ€ can be found in the Wild Violence anthology from Blood Rites Horror, his second short story โ€œWhat Ye Sowโ€ can be found in Issue #X of All Worldโ€™s Wayfarer, and a third titled โ€œWhisper, Whisperโ€ appears in Issue #63 of Dark Dossier. Joshua is also the founder of Night Terror Novels and edited its debut anthology, Ceci nโ€™est pas une histoire dโ€™horreur (This is Not a Horror Story) in 2021. His debut novella, Maggot Brain, is coming soon, for which the full details can be found on the Night Terror Novels website. Joshua can be found prowling almost every corner of the internet in some capacity, but is most easily reached through his business email address,, or via Instagram or Twitter, @JDKAuthor.

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